About Us

Colony Real Estate Support Services provides many services to help real estate agents, home buyers, and home sellers. We are two different companies that service both the realty community as well as the general public, but all managed by the same great staff and providing the same great service. Colony Home Inspections gets it’s solid foundation from starting in the late 1980’s with a degree in construction, 18 years in the home building industry, and then 17+ years in the home inspections industry. After seeing the underserved needs of the real estate community, we began to branch out into services that help facilitate the buying/selling process, and thus began Colony Realty Services. Most of what we do is based on either solving a problem, or filling a need. Please consider using our services. If there is anything that would help you in your part of the home buying/selling process, please let us know; we may be able to tailor our services to meet your needs and Help You Get To Closing!!!